Dr. Lydia Floren
Furman University, Greenville, S.C., B.A., 1979; Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, M.D., 1983; Board certified family medicine, 1986. Family medicine physician, Mayo Clinic Health System, Eau Claire, Wis. Entrust board member since 2017
The daughter of a Baptist minister, Lydia calls herself a “lifelong believer, raised in the performance-based culture of middle-class America” who has learned to absorb and live in the fact that she is beloved by God. She and her husband, Andrew, are both physicians and the parents of three grown sons. Lydia practices medicine part time and spends the rest of her working time writing and speaking. She spent part of her residency training in South Asia and returned there with an Entrust team in 2015 to lead a women’s conference and medical clinic. Her blog “Reflections” and other writings appear regularly on the website www.belovedlove.org.
“Entrust is made up of compassionate, godly people who are focused on communicating God's truth to the world in a culturally sensitive way. I appreciate the fact that the organization is managed responsibly and with integrity.”