Serving Ukrainians in the Czech Republic
by Jerry and Marilyn Farnik, Entrust
Ukraine is on almost everyone’s mind, not just because of the news, but because there are so many Ukrainians in the Czech Republic who are concerned for their loved ones back home and are trying to ensure their safety. Over 236,000 Ukrainian refugees have come here since the start of the war. We have several Ukrainian families in our church, but most of their relatives have chosen to remain in their own country.
Many Ukrainian children are being integrated into public schools so several of them are in our English classes now. Thankfully, they have been well received and the Czech children have been very kind to them.
Some of the children in our Bible clubs are also Ukrainian, and when the conflict broke out, we asked for prayer requests at the beginning of our meeting. Several mentioned that they had aunts, uncles and grandparents in harm’s way. One little girl’s father had returned to Ukraine to help with the effort. As we prayed together, some of the kids started to horse around as they often do, but this time, the other children let them know sternly that it was important to pray!
Some of the churches we visit monthly are helping to care for refugees, offering housing, food and other supplies. We pray that God will not only provide for the physical needs of the refugees, but that many would hear the gospel and be saved.
We have been pleased to have some Ukrainian believers join us in an Entrust training group in Moravia, the eastern region of this country. We trust that these times of teaching will be an encouragement to them during their stay in the Czech Republic.