What sets Entrust apart from other Christian organizations? Three key principles inspire our approach to leadership training: locally-driven, learner-driven and lifestyle-driven training.

Entrust begins by assessing, “What kind of training might leaders readily utilize and multiply in this context? How can we supply that sort of leadership training?” Then, in collaboration with local Christian leaders, we develop locally-sustainable and reproducible training systems. We design our training to be accessible, relevant and readily multiplied in any location.

Entrust begins by asking, “What does the learner already know? And, what does each unique ministry context require a learner to know?” Then, in collaboration with local Christian leaders, we assist in equipping the learner with biblical skills and understanding not readily available in that context. We design our training to build on the learner’s current knowledge to promote ongoing equipping for biblical ministry.

Entrust begins by discovering, “What are the challenges of living a life for Christ in this culture? What does it look like to be a transformed disciple of Jesus here?” Then, in collaboration with local Christian leaders, we develop training materials and mentoring opportunities to build up obedient followers of Christ. We design our training with the goal of personal, church and community transformation.
Core Methods

Context is the accumulation of life experiences that define how each of us interprets what we perceive in the world and how we are motivated by those perceptions. Contextualization is the discipline of presenting an idea understood in our context so it will be accurately received in someone else’s context.

Using Questions
Questions factor strongly into at least two of Entrust’s ministry training processes: As we enter a new country, culture or people group, we do so on the basis of a great deal of inquiry and listening. Then, we employ question-based, facilitated learning in small groups as one of our primary teaching tools. Some of our ministry training includes extensive practice on how to craft and use questions in adult learning settings.