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Impacting the Kingdom

Beatrice learns from others to equip women in Zambia

Smiling woman

“Learning from each other  in group discussions was most meaningful. It allowed us to grow closer to each other, thereby building confidence and trust.”

Daila facilitates Discovery Bible Study in Latvian

Three Latvian women

"I’m grateful for an amazing experience of facilitating the course. It’s completely out of my comfort zone, but it turned out to be the most fascinating and fulfilling learning time for me."

Giving a "Noche Buena" in the Philippines


T’was the night before Christmas, and our DDH (Dec.13, 2024) graduates were asked to do an optional assignment. With a budget of $20 per family, they were asked to find 3 to 5 less fortunate families in their area and give them their “Noche Buena”.

Renée is equipped and multiplies in Zambia

Three women

"I also learned about various Zambian cultures. The older women listened to my questions and gently explained the intricacies of their culture. Because of their example, I learned to listen more and not be so quick to give my input."

Rose finds complete
joy in Christ

woman looking at camera

“I’ve learned that I should allow God to fill the emptiness in my deepest being instead of finding someone to fill that void which only God can fill.”

Anna grows in skills and gratitude

Smiling woman with glasses

“I will be able to use this skill my entire life. I will also use the feedback the facilitators gave me in being a ‘co-learner’ as opposed to setting myself up as the ‘teacher.’...I am so grateful."

Doreen and Hilda graduate in East Africa

Two woman holding batons

Through these two women, more than a hundred women in their local church area have benefited from the Entrust Equipping Women courses.  May the Lord continue the good work he has begun in their lives and use them fully in the lives of others.

Angie discovers ministry
as a personal trainer

smiling woman

Angie discovered she could use her spiritual gifts of mercy and encouragement as a personal trainer.

Polly invites all ages
to the table

table and chairs

Serving in her county's detention center, Polly found building trust didn’t come easily, but open questions cleared a space for trust to grow.

Sherry is inspired
by commitment

smiling woman

"I’m honored to rub shoulders with women who see the pain in our world and take action to meet it head on."

Women of Canada
"Shine on!"

hands in a circle with bracelets

"I loved the Bible studies that were facilitated by the participants, such precious times. I valued the importance of listening to another's perspective and having no agenda but to listen and "tread carefully on the sacred ground of another's life"

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Navy mom packs
ministry tool box

smiling woman

"This will have a huge impact on the way I do ministry. This is a totally different way to do group study and I am excited to practice and see God work through it."

Is online training
worth it?

Working on a Computer

"One of the great blessings included a long term worker who had been blacklisted in her country. She couldn't attend in person, but she could participate online from her temporary residence."

Whitney feels 
burden lifted

Office Group Discussion

Facilitating Relational Learning was fabulous, bar none, the best by far for equipping ... I used to feel pressure to perform and do all the teaching. Now I don't feel like it's all on me."

Jane invites discussion
in abortion recovery group

smiling woman

"What I found of immediate value in my training was being able to take the curriculum for the Abortion Recovery Bible Study and re-vamp it to make it more interactive and thought-provoking through good open questions."

Latvia team translates
final course

woman holding workbook

“Our vision is to equip as many women as we can to facilitate those courses in local churches,” Lasma says. "We hope to equip new facilitators who can train others and make new facilitator generations!”

Bizunesh and Aster nurture
women in Ethiopia

three women

After taking Developing a Discerning Heart with Ramonda, Bizunesh and Aster desire to pass it on to women in their region.

Sandra responds in faith
to last minute call

smiling woman

“God’s plans were for me to be here even though it was last minute. I have been able to learn so much and enjoy making new friends. I had encouraging facilitators who wanted us to learn.”

Linda's open to 
a new path

sun shining through trees onto a road

"Developing a Discerning Heart online? Are you kidding me? Then I told the Lord I was willing for him to change my mind."

Ramonda shares the
gift of scholarships

smiling woman

“Scholarships are a way to lay a solid foundation for discipleship because these courses are that good and life changing. I have seen that firsthand.”

Scholarship encourages
Ashley to persevere

smiling woman

 “By donating to the scholarship fund, you are giving a woman the opportunity to say yes to what the Lord is inviting her into.”

Jean shares storyboarding
at work and ministry

smiling woman

"As a marriage and family therapist, I found Developing a Discerning Heart to be a powerful tool in the church."

Emily starts hub
in the Philippines

smiling woman

The week we were supposed to have our first training in the Philippines the Taal volcano erupted ...

Esther equips local business
leaders in Kenya

woman looking at another woman

Working for Sheepfold Ministries, Esther trains full-time Christian workers who are preparing to establish local sustainable businesses. She came to Asia desiring to learn how to apply adult learning principles to her training.

Mastona seeks to 
equip others

Tree Planting

“I have grown more in the last 15 weeks than in all the rest of my Christian life. Now I think about the potential of the women in my group ...

Rhonda finds freedom

in untangling goals and desires

smiling woman

Learning the difference between goals and desires at an EntrustEquipping Women Training, Developing a Discerning Heart, set my heart free. It’s a simple concept that every Christian woman needs to know, and it helped me figure out what is God’s responsibility and what is mine.

Elise transformed by the power of the resurrection

smiling woman

“Realizing that to ‘know Christ’ better was not just to understand him and his character but to know the power behind his resurrection. That I have that same power because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and it can be manifested for God’s glory. That is mind-blowing and will take me in a different direction as I desire to know him more.”

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