Entrust Ministry Partners
In this section, you'll see some of Entrust's current partnerships. Whether you're a foundation looking to fund an effective ministry project or an individual looking to bring Christian leadership training into your country, you'll notice that we work with a broad range of programs and strategies.
To discuss developing a partnership with Entrust, send us an email detailing your needs and ideas.

In much of Africa, non-formal, church-based training (as conducted by More than a Mile Deep, another of our African ministry partners) works extremely well. At the same time, increasing numbers of African Christians are able to and desire to attend brick-and-mortar schools. In keeping with Entrust’s value on adapting to meet local training needs, we gladly serve within the framework of established schools.
Entrust’s Arthur Alard is Principal at International College of Bible and Missions in Johannesburg, South Africa. ICBM “exists to serve the need of training leaders for the evangelical churches of Southern Africa,” according to its website.

Entrust's Hungarian ministry partner, KIA (Christian Educational Foundation) is an organization between churches with the purpose to promote the spiritual growth of believers by serving in their local congregation.

In Africa, years of superficial ministry led some to describe Christianity that spreads rapidly but doesn’t make a difference in how people live as “a mile wide and an inch deep.” Thus, African Christians serving with Entrust have chosen to call their leadership development initiative More than a Mile Deep (MMD).
After surveying church leaders across sub-Saharan Africa, MMD saw a deep hunger for training driven by the uniquely African challenges faced by the church. African Christians and theologians designed MMD’s comprehensive curriculum and continue to write, field test and facilitate its unique ministry training courses.
MMD training is accredited and non-formal. Each course is designed with biblical integrity and with the intent of individual, church and community transformation. Many of the courses utilize Action-Reflection-Action (ARA) methodology.
Learn more about the mission and foundational principles of MMD.

African women are increasingly afforded leadership responsibilities in both secular and church settings.
The objective of STEPPING UP to HER PLACE is to train women and to provide them with tools to help them become even more effective leaders. Its two-year certificate program incorporates education, mentoring, and consultancy. Among the courses offered are Bible study skills for leadership development, the synoptic gospels, spiritual gifts, Christian ethics and leadership, and being a woman leader in an African context.
SUHP was founded and is directed by a team of African Christian women.
Learn more about Stepping Up to Her Place.
ICBM Virtual Vision Trip
Find out more about taking a virtual vision trip to Johannesburg, courtesy of ICBM. Tour the campus, meet students and faculty while providing finances to fund scholarships and to allow the school to hire local people to carry out campus repairs.

Global Mentorship Network is a leadership initiative based in Africa. It seeks to develop leaders from a spiritual and intellectual base. GMN focuses specifically on spiritual formation, professional development, ministry effectiveness and marriage and family.