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Other Studies
Side by Side
This optional course is designed for women who desire to come alongside a friend who is struggling. Side by Side looks at suffering and pain from a biblical perspective. It discusses the value of sitting with our friend, listening to her hurts and questions, and being present while she is hurting. It provides guidance on how to offer kindness and care through a difficult season.
The prerequisites for this course are FRL and DDH as Side by Side builds on the principles offered in these modules. As with all Entrust modules, a person must take the module before she facilitates it.
View a sample lesson from Side by Side.

We highly recommend that the group leader take Facilitating Relational Learning prior to leading this study.
Becoming a Woman of Understanding
In Becoming a Woman of Understanding, we begin to discover ways to live with integrity and courage in a broken world. In community we start exploring new ways to offer the broken places of our hearts to God and move toward his love in faith and deeper relationship.
View a sample lesson from Becoming a Woman of Understanding.

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