Our Modules
The following workbooks may only be purchased as a part of an Entrust training.
Entrust is a training organization with a high value on modeling facilitated learning. We do this in and through our trainings. We do not primarily publish books and materials but rather train leaders who can then train other leaders. Therefore, our main curriculum is only available to those who attend one of our module trainings.
Modules for Men's, Women's, or Coed Training

The FRL module explores how to lead transformational small group discussions. This training looks at how Jesus teaches those around him. It uses open-ended questions to learn biblical content and stimulate maturity in Jesus Christ. Each participant receives hands-on experience in facilitating multiple discussions and receives meaningful feedback from others.

This module focuses on how to effectively study the Bible to enrich devotional times, lead small group discussions, and prepare lessons and messages. Participants work systematically through the process of observation, interpretation and application of biblical passages to understand the original author’s intent and accurately apply the word of God. Participants will also prepare and implement a topical study, a small group Bible study, and a short message based on a passage of Scripture as well as receive feedback for continued growth in their facilitation skills.
Modules for Women's Training
These modules are for women only.

This module explores God’s design of men and women as image-bearers of God and the far-reaching effects of the Fall. It studies the life-changing impact of Christ’s redemption and its effects not only on man’s thirst for God but also on each person’s mind, will, and emotions. It looks at the new identity we have in Christ and how that enables us to live redeemed lives and, in turn, help others in their own growth process.

This module begins by building a biblical framework for women serving in ministry. It identifies the needs, resources, challenges, and opportunities in creating and sustaining meaningful ministry. It looks at the essential components for developing servant leaders and includes a discussion on how to build a solid team. Spiritual gifts, temperaments, and effective spiritual mentoring are explored in the context of building a cohesive ministry. After exploring each of these components, time is spent on the practical application of these principles to the specific ministry God is calling each participant to.

This optional course is designed for women who desire to come alongside a friend who is struggling. Side by Side looks at suffering and pain from a biblical perspective. It discusses the value of sitting with our friend, listening to her hurts and questions, and being present while she is hurting. It provides guidance on how to offer kindness and care through a difficult season.
The prerequisites for this course are FRL and DDH as Side by Side builds on the principles offered in those modules. As with all Entrust modules, a person must take the module before she facilitates it.
Modules for Men's Training
This modules are for men only.

This module is designed to help men grow in their understanding of God and of themselves. It examines truths that are essential to understanding who we are – such as the damage caused in every human being due to the Fall, the scope of our salvation through Jesus Christ, the new identity we have in Christ, and the resources God has given us to transform us more and more into the image of his Son. As our own relationship with God grows deeper, we begin to see real change taking place in us, and God often uses us to help and encourage others in their walk with God.
Module samples include the introduction and the first lesson. Download a sample by clicking on the workbook name in the following list.