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A church for secret believers

Edward once pastored a church in his home city. He was ordained. His wife assisted him in the ministry. His three young children were growing to know Jesus.

But over time, life became too dangerous where he lived. Edward made the hard decision to move his family to a more stable region. While he didn’t know if he’d find work, he did know he had a friend in that part of the country. Fuad.

Fuad always seems to be everyone’s friend.

He’s one of Entrust’s full-time staff members in the Middle East. His warm personality, creative ideas and boundless energy have made him well-connected and respected.

Fuad welcomed Edward and helped him look for a ministry role with a local church. Occasionally, he gave money to Edward from his own personal support.

Then, he had an idea. He knew Edward’s heart for ministry. He knew Edward had met with people online during COVID. Locals were growing more accustomed to using social media. So why not make it official – launch an ongoing online church?

Bible on wall overlooking city

Edward liked the idea. It all came together beautifully.

He is now the pastor for dozens of people, some of whom may never meet one another in person.

They join in varied ways. Some gather at one person’s home, in small groups, placing a camera so all can be seen on screen. Others log in individually or as families from their homes. Some are from faith backgrounds other than Christianity. A few are secret believers thankful to be able to quietly watch and listen to a worship service.

Together, they learn from Edward’s Bible teaching, pray for one another and share communion.

Edward’s kids, now teenagers, often lead the church’s musical worship and his wife remains a vital part of the ministry.

During the week, Edward makes in-person visits. Over tea, he listens, encourages and prays with people. He’s established small groups in some neighborhoods.

People unable to attend church physically join the livestream in real time or watch the recording later. Secret believers find hope and encouragement. New believers grow in understanding and application of the Scriptures. Should Edward need to move again, he can remain their pastor.

Fuad encourages local churches to give some of their offerings to the online church, while he sometimes donates his own money. Finances are always tight, but all are grateful for this practical solution to the spiritual needs of many in the area.

Fuad mentored, partially funded and encouraged Edward. A new church was born. Equipping leaders. Multiplying churches. That’s Entrust.

City skyline at sunset

Map of the Middle East


To follow Jesus in the Middle East is to live with high risk and deep faith.

When you proclaim yourself a Christian, you automatically become a minority. And you discover widely varying understandings of Christianity, people groups called “Christian” who’ve been at enmity with each other for centuries.

In some places you can worship God openly and without fear, sometimes openly but with fear, and sometimes you keep your faith quiet and gather secretly with believers.

One Entrust staff member here, Fuad, offers unity-building family and pastors’ camps, pastors’ training events, sports ministry and humanitarian aid. He recently encouraged a local pastor to launch a unique ministry, one which is meeting multiple needs. This is that pastor’s story.


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