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Gratitude…some new year’s thoughts from Entrust Board member Rick Harig

We are experiencing uncertain times in our world, our ministry, and possibly, in some of our homes. Thankfully, “the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lam. 3:22-24) These verses are mountain movers for me this day. 


At Entrust, we are finishing the year strong. The Lord is demonstrating his faithfulness anew. 


The CEO search has been fruitful, and we have several candidates with whom we are in dialogue. As a Board, we are keen to have a new CEO by the time of our next All-Staff Conference in May 2024. 


The aging of our field staff has led to well-deserved retirements and, as such, we have doubled our recruiting efforts. Please join us in prayer and let us know about candidates whom you believe would bless and be blessed by coming on staff with Entrust. 


We celebrate the return of Mark Huffman to Entrust through his decision to join our Board. We are considering other new candidates, seeking to expand the various types of expertise on our Board.   


Finances fuel the ministry. Thankfully, Giving Tuesday and our year-end challenge grant for the Central Ministry Fund have gone well. Thank you for doing your part to keep our work going strong, financially.  


Funding initiatives for our key ministries will continue in 2024. We are grateful for the strong start these activities make possible as we launch into this new year. 


We look back with gratitude to all God did in 2023. And look forward to furthering our partnership with you, to provide biblical training to more Christian leaders in more places, in 2024.

Year-end mailing
Many hands make (relatively) light work in preparing our year-end giving mailing. Thank you for responding!




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