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How listening and feedback make a huge difference

We seek to design Christian leadership training systems adhering to these guiding principles:

ACCOUNTABLE | Transferable | Local Church | Excellence in Adult Learning | Accessible | Transformative | Collaborative

Don’t you wish people would listen?

For years, Entrust Equipping Women offered discipleship training in one format; in-person, one-week and intensive.

You told us you needed something more accessible. In 2019, we launched online training.

You spoke and we listened. Through that, God prepared us for the pandemic and impacted Katie’s ministry.

Katie and the accountability of listening

Woman at computer

Katie served God in a closed country when she and her colleagues began taking Equipping Women modules. She was blacklisted and forced to move. It became impossible for her to continue in-person training.

But, since we’d launched an online model, Katie could log in and join her colleagues. She applied what she’d learned, launching evangelistic Bible studies in her country of refuge. Several of the women from those studies are now taking our training online and discipling others.

It couldn’t have happened had you not told us your needs and had we not paid attention. We’re accountable to you!


Daila and the accountability of feedback

Daila smiling

Who loves feedback? No one. No one loves feedback.

Some over-achievers have the constitution for it. But the rest of us welcome it like a plate of broccoli. Yet, if we’re honest, broccoli is good for us and so is feedback.

Consider Daila’s story.

Daila took all four Equipping Women modules in Latvia. The practice elements were hard for her, but her Entrust facilitators, committed to her growth, consistently provided loving feedback.

“I was always amazed as I learned the real love of Christ through my facilitators. They were loving, but also gave honest and straight-forward feedback.”

Did Daila love feedback? No. But the love and support she experienced made it worthwhile.

In fact, Daila says, “While it’s completely out of my comfort zone, it turned out to be the most fascinating and fulfilling learning time for me!”

Daila flourished and is now an Entrust facilitator, guiding other Latvian women through their fears and challenges as leaders.

We’re accountable to those we serve. We build loving, constructive feedback into every training. We’re learner-driven, paying attention to our learners and refining our methods to meet their changing needs.


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