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Prison, exile and a stronger church

We seek to design Christian leadership training systems adhering to these guiding principles:

COLLABORATIVE | Transferable | Local Church | Contextualized | Accessible| Transformative | Accountable & Transparent

Collaborative Bible Institute brings joy amid hardship in Middle East

I stood on the side of the mountain, not sure what awaited me, but sure where God wanted me to go. This journey had begun several years earlier. Not on foot, but in my heart.

Man walking over mountains

In 2013, Jesus transformed my life. I began to meet with new believers in my hometown. The gospel meant so much to us – we had to tell people! Though we were young in faith, God worked through us.

In 2014, we were arrested. There followed adventures I can’t tell you about. But by God’s grace I managed to walk to a neighboring country to begin studying at an Entrust Bible Institute.

The school is organized by people from my country who serve with Entrust. Along with various staff and friends of Entrust, they teach a full seminary curriculum in my language. I learned things I’d never heard of in my country, where there is almost no access to sound Bible teaching.

One day God planted a dream in my heart: to return to my country to share this learning with every believer.

Ten days after my last course at the Bible Institute, I put my dream into action. While alone on the mountain (where I started this story), one thing seemed clear: if Jesus wanted me to work in my country, he would open the way. He did.

By his grace, I established Bible study groups in seven cities. I arranged for each group to take short trips to gain further learning at the Bible Institute.

After about 16 months, things took a difficult turn. Read what happened next. Despite more difficulties for me, God is using the Bible Institute for good things. All glory to him for the collaborative teamwork that is equipping leaders for churches in my country.

Because current leadership training efforts are unable to meet the vast need, we join the larger “kingdom team,” working in partnerships and collaborative efforts with like-minded ministries, local organizations and other networks.



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