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STEP Online: Serving to Equip People

by Renee Pitts, STEP Coordinator

man walking up steps toward a waterfall

One of the most crucial questions for any ministry is, “Who are our emerging leaders?” As Entrust’s theme verse reminds us, our goal is to “...entrust [these things] to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

We desire to build relationships with emerging servant leaders who will con- tinue to expand our global partnerships and contextualize leadership training modules for the church in an increasingly complex and dynamic world.

In an effort to bridge the wealth of experience held by Entrust staff with a generation of potential field workers, we offer the STEP program. STEP normally provides short-term and internship experiences designed to develop and encourage young adults in their consideration of cross-cultural ministry, and in particular, the mission and vision of Entrust.

Due to current global travel restrictions and the uncertainty of the coming months, we have designed a virtual experience for this summer: STEP Online. Through STEP Online, we will introduce participants to our global field staff and provide them an opportunity to explore the realities of cross-cultural ministry and their own personal sense of calling. Through engaging with Entrust workers, small group interactions and personal reflection, our hope is that these young adults will take a step further into discovering God’s plan and purpose for his world and their lives.

If you know of a young adult who might be interested in STEP Online, please invite them to visit

STEP. Serving to Equip People.

Entrust’s short-term and internship initiative is designed for Christians looking for practical, Christian leadership development experience. STEP participants spend two months to two years immersed in an international context while carrying out meaningful service alongside a veteran Entrust partner and exploring God’s call on their lives.

New for the summer of 2021, STEP Online offers those same benefits, from your very own home!



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